Executive Summary
A New Fiscal Year Approaches
By Mark Anderson, NALF executive director
Welcome to the August tabloid
issue of LIMOUSIN TODAY. If you
are a commercial cowman that
is reading through our issue we
appreciate your readership and
interest in our cattle and seedstock
producers that are a part of the North
American Limousin Foundation.
If you are one of the commercial
cow/calf men operating in today’s
challenging environment who make
their core living off the annual sale of
your feeder cattle offering, you should
know that there is no better place to
upgrade and increase your sale weights
by utilizing a crossbreeding program
with a set of today’s Limousin and Lim-
8 | AUGUST 2018
Flex® bulls particularly when crossed
into a set of English based cows. As
you look through this tabloid edition
at our advertising ranches, you should
be able to find producers in your area
that can provide you quality genetics
to enhance your breeding programs.
August will be a busy month at NALF
as we approach late summer. The
summer board meeting will take place
in Denver, August 22-24. The board will
once again be finalizing the foundation’s
budget for the next fiscal year. The
current board is intent on focusing
on the promotion and advantages of
utilizing Limousin and Lim-Flex genetics
to the commercial cattle industry. The
monetary benefits are real when utilized
in an effective crossbreeding program
to capitalize on benefits of superior feed
efficiency, yield grade, cutability, and
total pounds of production crossing
the scale in today’s marketplace.
NALF will also convert its EPD
calculation and methodology in August
to the single-step evaluation process
with the conversion to the IGS BOLT
cattle evaluation. The Multibreed
Genetic Evaluation powered by
BOLT is a breakthrough in GE-EPD
accuracy enhancement. Enabling
this software will allow for faster