LIMOUSIN TODAY LIMOUSIN TODAY - September 2017 | Page 12
Executive Summary
and look forward
to watching him
in the future.
He looked at me
with a grin on his
face and pointed
to the emblem of
the sponsoring
ranch on his show
shirt. He wanted
to know how
Logan Chachere of Texas showing at the 2017 National
they got the right
Junior Limousin Show & Congress.
to display their
operation on the
sleeve. I explained
time, but work extremely hard
that it was
to compete given the cattle and
purchased at the Genetics on
skills they have to work with.
Ice auction, which is an essential
Logan Chachere of Texas is one
fundraiser for NALJA and helps
of those kids. Logan is the son
make this event possible. Logan
of Matt and Alicia Chachere.
answered back, “I see, that’s
Tammy and I, like many of you,
cool.” I grinned back at him
have watched this young man
and jokingly asked that if he
exhibit cattle the last few years
wanted, I could carry a bid back
and have been amazed at how
to Denver this January and get
talented he is exhibiting cattle
that sponsorship bought for his
in the ring, regardless of his
outfit, if he cleared it with his
obstacles and no show stick to
folks. Logan’s response to this
set cattle up. This young man
was classic. He replied while
could show cattle for me any
grinning, “Oh no sir, I’m just a
day of the week as good as
poor ole boy from Texas that can
he is at it, and I’m sure most
barely afford the gas to drive
of you that have seen him in
and get myself and my cattle up
action feel the same way.
here and participate this week.
I’m just tickled to be here sir!”
This year was different though,
during a lull, leaning against
Needless to say, I could barely
a fence I had the opportunity
keep the smile off my face,
to get to know Logan as we
shook his hand, and wished him
chatted for 30 minutes. I quickly
luck. I learned from his folks
found out he is a young man
how many countless hours he
with an old soul and a great
works at home with his cattle,
sense of humor. As Logan
practicing with them to setup
began to quiz me about NALF,
and walk into place. As many
NALJA, and the cow business,
other of our youth, he dedicates
I quickly learned how he has
countless hours to his passion.
been successful to this point
10 | SEPTEMBER 2017
His father Matt has told me
about the obstacles that Logan
has faced over the years, but
wants no sympathy or special
treatment for the young man.
This article is not meant to do
that, rather it is to tell the story
of what hard work, dedication,
and commitment can overcome.
Logan Chachere had a good
week. He exhibited some class
winners, along with seconds
and thirds, placed ninth in the
sweepstakes contest, and third
in intermediate showmanship.
Logan also had the reserve
division VI Limousin female.
Every time I saw him, he was
grinning like he just hit for the
cycle in the World Series or
was MVP of the Super Bowl.
That, in my mind and in most
of our readers, is truly “what it’s
all about.”
Logan is a great example of
“what it’s all about.”