LIMOUSIN TODAY LIMOUSIN TODAY - September 2017 | Page 10
Executive Summary
What It’s All About
By Mark Anderson, NALF executive director
This article is going to be a little
different this month compared
to the reports I have given
over the last seven years while
working for you. The September
issue of the magazine features
the results and highlights of the
annual national junior Limousin
show and the junior members.
The summer event the
Heartland Limousin Association
graciously completed hosting
was an extremely successful
event with over 450 cattle
entries at a wonderful facility.
None of this would have been
possible without the volunteers
and many hours put in by the
Heartland Association and all of
the folks that tirelessly worked
to make it happen. The donors
who make this event possible
through a combination of
contributions like the Corner
Post heifer program, Genetics
on Ice sale, dollars gathered
by the Heartland Association,
and individual donations make
this annual event feasible.
The fact that this event is not
possible without all that effort
is a testament and statement
of how Limousin breeders
truly feel about their kids and
junior program at Limousin.
8 | SEPTEMBER 2017
Your efforts are appreciated
more than you may know.
good people that will pass it
on to the next generation.
My wife
Tammy and I
After watching kids in NALJA develop
have always
enjoyed the
through various programs, you can
junior national
clearly see the difference it makes
event and
by enhancing their leadership and
after having
communication skills every year that
worked for
they are involved in the program.
you the last
few years,
we regretted
the fact that
our kids did not participate
Learning how to win graciously
in a junior breed association
and lose with class is also a
program, although they showed
life lesson and skill that pays
cattle extensively throughout
dividends as life flies by. As
their youth. After watching
good as the experience is at a
kids in NALJA develop through
junior national show, you can
various programs, you can
always count on some form
clearly see the difference it
of controversy, which can be
makes by enhancing their
expected when competitions
leadership and communication
happen; it’s part of the deal.
skills every year that they are
Issues over rules, fitting, and
involved in the program. It
high expectations to win at all
has truly been amazing to
cost can sometimes overshadow
watch kids, who would barely
what the programs are really all
speak three words, grow out
about. Luckily, most involved in
of their shell and develop into
the Limousin program are not
young adults that will have
that way. There are kids that
superior leadership skills and
are always in the hunt whether
work ethic as they advance
it is in the cattle shows, quiz
into the workforce. These traits
bowl, sales talk, judging, etc.
are increasingly becoming a
They work hard to prepare
rarity in this day and age of
and make it their passion.
expectancy without sacrifice
What’s really neat to see are
and a strong work ethic. More
the kids that don’t win all the
importantly, they will be