Note from the Editor
The Bull Buyers edition of LIMOUSIN TODAY is one of my
favorite issues to put together, as the advertisements really
showcase the very best of Limousin and Lim-Flex genetics.
This issue shows the determination and willingness to breed
out unwanted traits and focus on producing cattle that will
get you the most bang for your buck. It’s exciting to see
Limousin and Lim-Flex ranked high in quite a few traits, as
we continue to become a competitive force in the cattle
industry. I encourage you to take a look through all the ads in
this issue and see what your fellow breeders have to offer.
On another note, the National Westerns Stock Show &
Annual Limousin Convention has come to an end in Denver,
Colo. The Limousin and Lim-Flex cattle shown were some
of the best I have seen, congratulations to our exhibitors for
bringing the very best. If you were unable to come to the
show, check out the Limousin Media re-cap on
I am excited to feature the NWSS & Annual Limousin
Convention in the March “Showcase of Champions” issue
of LIMOUSIN TODAY, so don’t forget to subscribe to our
magazine to see this special issue in your mailbox.
A sincere thank you to all the breeders and companies
who promoted their programs and products this
past year through print and digital services offered
NALF director of PR & media
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