LIMOUSIN TODAY February2019_LimToday_WEB | Page 66

Crossbreeding Advantages of Crossbreeding with Limousin & Lim-Flex® Crossbreeding is not a new thing. Progressive cattlemen have utilized it for decades to make production systems more efficient and to utilize breed complementarity in order to meet market and consumer demands. Crossbreeding allows producers to make a product that is in demand and do it at less cost, regardless of environment. BUFFALO CO. FAIRGROUNDS | KEARNEY, NE FEBRUARY 16-24, 2019 LIMOUSIN Showcase BULLS • BRED HEIFERS • FA N C Y O P E N H E I F E R S T H U R S DAY, F E B R UA R Y 2 1 , 2 01 9 S h o w 10 A M • Sale 3:30 PM The crossbred female is 30% more productive over her lifetime. The hybrid vigor advantages of the crossbred female make her more profitable to an operation over her straight-bred counterpart. The greatest benefits of a crossbreeding program are through direct, maternal heterosis with a crossbred cow – increased fertility, better calf survivability, heavier weaning weights, and greater cow longevity. Do the math in your own herd. It’s proven that with the crossbred cow you get an advantage of: +38% cow longevity; +25% lifetime productivity; +8% calf crop weaned; +5% weaning performance; +4% in calf yearling performance. Crossbreeding is proven science. Cattlemen and cattlewomen can produce quality and have more profitability when utilizing it in a planned breeding system. Using Limousin and Lim-Flex® genetics in your crossbreeding system is smart and easy. Don’t ranch without it. I 64 | FEBRUARY 2019 - SELLING AT THE CLASSIC - ROYAL ICE SALE: Thursday, February 21 • 6 PM Elite embryo, semen, & flush opportunities! Ronette K. Bush-Heinrich - Mgr. | 308.627.6385 | |