Note from the Editor
Wow has this past year flown by! I can’t believe that it
has been a year since I took over as managing editor of
LIMOUSIN TODAY. It has been quite the learning curve
and I hope you have continued to enjoy each issue,
as I have enjoyed putting them together for you.
This past year I have also had more opportunities to
travel and meet the amazing Limousin breeders across
the country. I recently had the opportunity to visit
Lawrence Family Limousin and had a great time, not only
taking pictures, but learning about their operation and
getting to know them. Limousin cattle are part of their
livelihood and it’s always great to meet breeders that
truly believe in the breed and where we are headed.
We have a great Limousin family and I have enjoyed getting to
know each of you during these past couple years of working
for you. Limousin breeders not only care about where the
breed is going, but they care about the people involved.
I look forward to seeing you all at the National Western
Stock Show & Annual Limousin Convention. If I haven’t
met you, come up and introduce yourself, I would love
to get to know you and learn about your operation.
Have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!
NALF director of PR & media
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