Value Added Cattle Begins with Genetics
The selection for improvement of carcass quality is
possible by understanding the selection tools. The
NALF EPDs for Limousin and Lim-Flex® provide the
Yield grade (YG): Differences in yield grade score,
which is a predictor of percent retail product. Smaller
values suggest that progeny will have a better lean to
fat ratio.
Carcass weight (CW): Differences in pounds of hot
carcass weight, adjusted to an industry standard age
Ribeye area (REA): Differences in ribeye area in inches
between the 12th and 13th rib. Greater ribeye areas
are preferable.
Marbling (MB): Predicts the differences in the
degree of marbling within the ribeye as expressed
in marbling score units. Greater marbling numbers
are preferable and are an indicator of higher carcass
quality grades.
Fat (FT): Differences for fat thickness, in inches,
for a carcass over the 12th rib. Smaller numbers
of fat thickness are preferable as excess fat can be
detrimental to yield grade.
Mainstream Terminal Index ($MTI): Predicts genetic
differences in profit per carcass by combining the
potential for and value of post-weaning growth,
quality grade and yield.
Limousin and Lim-Flex $MTI is a mainstream terminal
index. This is the expected average profit per carcass
of progeny of Limousin bulls mated to British-cross
cows, with all calves placed in the feedlot and sold on
a mainstream grid. It is a terminal sire index, including
growth and carcass information only, since all calves
are marketed and no females remain in the herd. The
use of $MTI is an excellent tool for selecting cattle
with feedlot merit but should be used in moderation
if replacement females are being retained for
breeding purposes since it is a terminal index.
Carcass traits for Limousin and Lim-Flex are being
enhanced to add to the accuracy of EPDs by
seedstock suppliers. Look for the NALF GE-EPD logo
for animals that have been tested with the genomic
profiler for these traits as well as others for added
assurance in making selections.
NALF-Tyson Fresh Meats
Marketing opportunity for Limousin cross fed cattle.
For more information on the Limousin Grid, contact
the NALF office at 303-220-1693 or visit