Open show champion Limousin cow/calf pair: MAGS
A Veil, 4/26/2013, 50% Lim-Flex, sired by MAGS Y So
Round, exhibited by Alex Portwood, Versailles, Ky.
Reserve champion Limousin female:
SHSK Elvera 710E ET, 4/28/2017,
93% Limousin, sired by TMCK
Durham Wheat 6030X, exhibited
by Carly Kolterman, Garland, Neb.
Grand champion Limousin cow/
calf pair: MAGS A Veil, 4/26/2013,
50% Lim-Flex, sired by MAGS
Y So Round, exhibited by Alex
Portwood, Versailles, Ky.
Supreme champion Limousin
female: TASF Envy 161E ET,
10/10/2017, Purebred, sired by TASF
Crown Royal 960C ET, exhibited by
Kinnick Paulsen, Preston, Iowa.
Grand champion Limousin bull:
ELCX Kings Landing 599 D ET,
2/12/2016, 81% Limousin, sired
by MAGS Xyloid, exhibited by
Wies Limousin, Wellsville, Mo.;
Edwards Land & Cattle, Beulaville,
N.C.; White Valley, Adair, Okla.
Reserve champion Limousin bull:
HWCB Eye of the Storm 406E, 71%
Lim-Flex, exhibited by Cameron
Bryant, McMinnville, Tenn.; Edwards
Land and Cattle, Beulaville, N.C.;
Freebird Farms, McMinnville, Tenn.
Open show grand and supreme champion Limousin female:
TASF Envy 161E ET, 10/10/2017, Purebred, sired by TASF Crown
Royal 960C ET, exhibited by Kinnick Paulsen, Preston, Iowa.
Female Division
Division I
WLR Fendi ET,
4/10/2018, 43%
Lim-Flex, sired
by PVF Insight
0129, exhibited
by Wies Limousin,
Wellsville, Mo.
Division I reserve:
TASF Forever
Classy 216F
ET, 3/21/2018,
65% Lim-Flex, sired
by CJSL Dauntless
6257D ET, exhibited
by Thomas and Son
Farms, Boonsboro, Md.
Open show reserve Limousin female: SHSK Elvera 710E ET,
4/28/2017, 93% Limousin, sired by TMCK Durham Wheat
6030X, exhibited by Carly Kolterman, Garland, Neb.
Division II champion: TASF Fabble
205F, 2/20/2018, 68% Lim-Flex,
sired by CJSL Dauntless 6257D
ET, exhibited by Thomas and
Son Farms, Boonsboro, Md.
Division II reserve: KBIC Abalon
1918F, 1/9/2018, 50% Lim-
Flex, sired by DVFC Sitting
Bull, exhibited by Knebel Black
Iron Cattle, Winamic, Ind.
Division III champion: TASF
Envy 161E ET, 10/10/2017,
Purebred, sired by TASF Crown
Royal 960C ET, exhibited by
Kinnick Paulsen, Preston, Iowa.
Division III reserve: TASF Eternity
150E, 9/12/2017, Purebred, sired
by TASF Crown Royal, exhibited
by Aaron Linhart, Leon, Iowa.
Division IV champion: ETGC
AGRF Elle 295E ET, 5/2/2017, 57%
Lim-Flex, sired by EF Xcessive
Force, exhibited by Claudia
Hissong, Greencastle, Penn.
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