2019 National Western Stock
Show & Limousin Convention
Meet the Director Candidates Georgia for one year before moving back to
Rose to begin his career as an auctioneer.
The North American Limousin Foundation
nominating committee has selected the
candidates for the 2019 board of directors’
election. The election will be held at the annual
meeting on January 14, 2019 in conjunction with
the National Western Stock Show. Here are the
candidates named by the nominating committee. Ronn and his wife Lynn have three children,
daughter, Kodi and sons, Chance and Colt. All of
whom have been junior members and shown
Limousin heifers. Through their program they
raised CBAR Audi that Colt won the 2015 National
Junior Show. Colt also successfully exhibited
LCHA Belle 015B that won Louisville, Denver
and was OYE Supreme Champion Heifer in 2015.
They continue to flush her along with other
donors to produce bulls for their commercial
cow calf operation and hopefully build a base
for the granddaughters, Jollee and Jenna, to
continue the involvement with junior shows.
• Ronn Cunningham, Oklahoma (first term)
• Troy Gulotta, Louisiana (first term)
• Kevin Ochsner, Colorado (first term)
• Jerry Wulf, Minnesota (first term)
The following are brief biographies
submitted by each candidate.
Ronn Cunningham
Ronn Cunningham
grew up on a family
farm in Rose, Oklahoma
that was just this last
year recognized as an
Oklahoma Centennial
Ranch. As a freshman
in high school, Ronn
knew he wanted to be
an auctioneer one day.
And in the fall of 1982,
he bought his first Limousin heifer from Jerry
Piguet at a sale in Southwest City, Missouri that was
managed by American Cattle Services and sold by
Sonny Booth, he realized that day he wanted to be
involved with the breed and sell Purebred cattle.
Ronn attended NEO A&M then Oklahoma State
majoring in Animal Science and was a member
of the National Champion Livestock Judging
Team. Following graduation, he managed
the Purebred Beef Farm for the University of
24 | DECEMBER 2018 - JANUARY 2019
Currently, Ronn stays busy selling Purebred sales
across the country, as well as being a partner in
CJ Real Estate and Auctions, specializing in selling
farms and ranches by either listing or at auction.
Ronn has served on the Oklahoma Limousin
Breeders Association board of Directors for over
15 years and is currently serving his second year as
President. He is committed to the breed and the
family considers the Limousin Breeders as their
second family. He is looking forward to working
with the staff and board to promote the breed from
the junior program to selling commercial bulls.
Troy Gulotta
Troy Gulotta of Live
Oak Cattle Company,
Independence, La.,
became involved with
the Limousin breed in
1991. His first purchase
was from Hunt Limousin
Ranch, Oxford, Neb.
Live Oak Cattle began
running F-1 cows
and utilizing Gelbvieh bulls. The Limousin