LIMOUSIN TODAY August 2017 | Page 51

Edwards Aug 17 LWorldNEW.qxp_Layout 1 7/12/17 9:50 PM Page 1 Honored to have bred and owned All-American Futurity Champions two years in a row! ELCX Cabin Fever 273C 2017 All-American Futurity Supreme Champion Bull Double Polled / Double Black SIRE: MAGS Xyloid / DAM: AUTO Poem 273Y CED: 9 BW: 2.2 WW: 65 YW: 99 MK: 18 CEM: 7 SC: 0.92 ST: 2 DOC: 20 YG: -0.18 CW: 32 REA: 0.56 MB: 0.12 $MTI: 55.54 Owned with Wies Limousin, Wellsville, MO ELCX Bullet Proof 438B 2016 All-American Futurity Supreme Champion Bull Homozygous Polled / Homozygous Black SIRE: EBFL Ypsilanti 420Y / DAM: AUTO Poem 273Y CED: 9 BW: 1.7 WW: 80 YW: 110 MK: 22 CEM: 7 SC: 1.38 ST: 4 DOC: 7 YG: -0.29 CW: 33 REA: 0.83 MB: 0.26 $MTI: 65.76 Owned with Owen Cattle Company, Hornbeck, TN Dexter and Nicholas Edwards 314 Willard Edwards Road Beulaville, NC 28518 910.298.3012 • FAX: 910.298.6155 [email protected] Nicholas, cell: 910.290.1424 10.21.17 Make plans to join us for our Annual Fall Limousin & Lim-Flex Production Sale To receive a complementary sale catalog, call/text/email 615.330.2735 | [email protected] LIMOUSIN Today | IBC