LIMOUSIN TODAY August 2017 | Page 44

From the Field Strong Showing for Limousin By Corey Wilkins, NALF regional manager I hope everyone’s summer has been one that has offered favorable weather and has allowed some personal time to spend with family. It has been refreshing to step back from sale season for a few weeks and spend time at industry events and summer shows. We have just finished up regional shows across the country and one could not walk away unimpressed with the quality of cattle that our juniors brought to be evaluated. The recent Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) meetings were held in Athens, Ga. The Limousin breed had a strong showing in attendance and was 42 | AUGUST 2017 nominated and recognized for several awards. There was much time devoted to the discussion of EPDs, economic indexes, and genomic enhancing. My biggest takeaway around the content covered was that these EPDs and indexes are accurate and in most cases, a wide gap in EPDs will result in an even wider gap in the field. I, along with most everyone else, have at some point questioned an EPD on a bull and in most cases that bull was probably one of your own. Perhaps there is that one percent chance you are right, but I think I would bet on the accuracy of EPDs. A good portion of actual field data was presented at BIF, testing the accuracy of EPDs when comparing “big number cattle” to those with less desirable EPDs. Not only were the EPDs and indexes accurate, but in most cases the difference was even greater than expected. If you are a breeder that is still questioning the accuracy of one of your