Junior Perspective
It is Not About the Banner
By Randa Taylor, NALJA director
When each of us walk into that show ring, staring down the
judge, each and every one of us has one thing on our mind,
to win. Whether it is a county show, state fair, field day, or
the North American Junior Limousin Show and Congress our
ultimate goal is to walk out of the ring with that first place
ribbon and ultimately the bright purple banner.
New Kid on the Block
We practice for months and prep for hours despite the tough
competition we face each show. Many of you have won
multiple banners and buckles over the years, possibly starting
at a very young age. Those large purple and gold felt signs
possibly line the walls of your barn or game room, maybe
dating back for many, many years. Maybe some of you have
a special display of every silver buckle you have won that sits
proudly in the living room for visitors to “oohh and aaahh” over,
or a shadow box in the halls that you keep dusted regularly.
While winning is fun, and sporting that shiny new
showmanship buckle is great, in the end, that is not what
truly matters. What truly matters are the experiences,
friends, memories, and hard work that got you there.
Thanks to my Papa, I started showing Limousin cattle
when I was six years old. He is a small breeder from east
Texas and could not wait to pick out the perfect calf
for his “favorite” granddaughter. When he introduced
me to the process, the breed, and the people, he had
no idea how it would significantly impact my life.
Driftwood 28D
2/18/16 • Purebred • Homo Pld (P-1) • Homo Blk (T)
Sire: COLE Architect 08A • Dam: COLE 622S
CED: 7 BW: 0.9 WW: 103 YW: 138 MK: 21 TM: 72 CEM: 9 SC: 1.00 ST: 13
Doc: 14 YG: 0.05 CW: 59 REA: 0.86 MB: -0.10 FT: -0.03 $MTI: 56.87
Ranks in the Top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, and CW
Driftwood is one that is undeniable in his genetic package. He is a trait leader for
growth while having a modest birth weight. He is the kind that we strive to produce
every day – cattle that come easy and grow fast while still having a quality look.
Look for progeny soon!
Bulls • Females
For Sale Private Treaty
Visit our website: www.oneallimousin.com
or call to schedule a visit
O ’ N E A L L I M O U S I N FA R M
Gary & Beth O’Neal
3715 O’Neal Rd.
Branch, AR 72928
38 | AUGUST 2017
479/635-2121 • 479/438-0471 cell
e-mail: [email protected]
For 12 years we traveled to every Texas field day and every
NALJA national show. I clearly remember my first junior
nationals in Lawton. I remember the tenderfoot social
at the water park, anxiously turning in a photo for the
competition, and my calf throwing me on the ground as I
came out of the ring. I clearly recall my Papa being proud of
me, but I have no recollection of how my heifer placed.
I remember traveling to West Monroe and eating some of the
best Cajun food to this day, eating snow cones in Amarillo,
having fun in the dunk tank in Kansas, and watching fireworks
in Springfield, Missouri. But once again, I have no idea what
class or division I won, or did not win. I fondly reminisce about
the water fights in the barn, meeting my mentor, and playing
games, and loading a bus in Iowa to tour a feedlot and meat
lab. I remember staying up late at night playing cards with
kids from multiple states, chicken fights in the swimming
pool, and dancing until our parents made us leave, but
what years I was selected for showmanship finals is a blur.
To me, it is the experiences and memories that make this breed
incredibly special and each one of those have helped mold
me into the person I am today, not a purple felt banner. All the
quiz bowl questions, sales talk competitions, beef cook offs