Limousin Today - Profit Tomorrow
Market Cattle on the Limousin Grid
The North American Limousin Foundation has partnered with Tyson Fresh Meats to provide a Limousin Grid to market commodity cattle .
The North American Limousin Foundation ( NALF ), in an effort to further promote Limousin genetics , has teamed up with Tyson Fresh Meats to create a value-added cattle feeding pricing program . Tyson is offering feeders the opportunity to market cattle on a Limousin Grid , which is designed to pay substantial premiums for conventionally fed cattle . This grid rewards cattle that excel in quality and yield grade .
The grid uses average harvest results from all Tyson plants for each week ’ s deliveries . The premiums are tremendous for cattle that exceed the week ’ s averages for Prime , CAB , and Yield Grade 1s and 2s .
In the example grid , the USDA 5 Area Weekly Weighted Average Price is used as the initial starting price . Since the cattle are being compared to the weekly average results for all Tyson plants , the actual harvest averages are figured for the week with resulting premiums and discounts for the clean-up cost . The average discount total of $ 5.56 / cwt was used to subtract the $ 3.88 / cwt of premiums for a difference of $ 1.68 / cwt , which is then added to the base price of $ 222.89 / cwt for a new starting price of $ 224.57 / cwt . The producer ’ s cattle are then figured against the results of the plant averages for each category and the variances are calculated for the final price .
As a result , the starting base price is adjusted upwards since the cattle are competing against all cattle harvested for the week at Tyson plants . If a set of cattle exceeds the averages for quality and yield grade while keeping discounts at a minimum , the ability to achieve an additional bonus is very apparent .
Limousin cross cattle have the ability to do well on this grid given their natural ability for yield and grade . The advantages of Limousin cattle to put a high percentage of cattle into the Yield Grade 1 and 2 categories while achieving quality grade standards when fed correctly with a moderate implant program equals premiums for the feeder .
To be eligible to be marketed on the NALF-Tyson Fresh Meats Limousin Grid , cattle must carry a Lim- Choice panel ear tag and be reported to the NALF office . For more information on this grid or other marketing opportunities through natural and NHTC programs , contact Mark Anderson , NALF executive director , at 303-220-1693 or Mark @ NALF . org .
Limousin and Lim-Flex ® ( Limousin x Angus hybrid ) deliver to your bottom line . / Calving ease & calf vigor / More pounds to sell at weaning / Feed efficiency
/ Tested & proven docility / Cow & bull longevity / Carcass merit
To find out more about how you can profit tomorrow with Limousin or Lim-Flex ® bulls and females , contact the North American Limousin Foundation at 303-220-1693 or visit www . NALF . org .
North American Limousin Foundation • 303-220-1693 • Limousin @ NALF . org • NALF . org
LIMOUSIN Today | 21