LIMOUSIN TODAY August 2017 | Page 12

Executive Summary Cattle Company. These cattle provide a stellar example of what Limousin cattle can do while hitting and exceeding the mark on both quality and yield grade specifications. The ability of cattle to hit the Choice Quality Grade continues to become of increasing importance as evidence by a spread of over $30 between the Choice and Select cutout value during the month of June. Several factors continue to influence this spread as retailers look to capitalize on the value of Choice product in their meat counters. Walmart switched to featuring a Choice product in their retail chains a couple of years ago and is in fact having success with their Angus Pride Choice product in 2017, this has forced other retailers to compete more heavily for product that hits the Choice grade, which has further increased the demand for Choice cattle at the retail level. The purebred Limousin Running Creek cattle (Table 1.) are a perfect example of how good cattle can capitalize on both fronts. This set of cattle actually represents their cull steers and heifers they retained ownership on to feed out. The steers were able to average 95 percent Choice while still maintaining 77 percent Yield Grade 1s and 2s. This being the kind of cattle that are in is outstanding, but reflective of what demand in today’s marketplace. Limousin genetics can accomplish The demand for high quality Choice on the right set of purebred cattle product will most likely continue and exhibit what could be potentially to grow. U.S. beef access to China is utilized in a crossbreeding program by expected this summer with the White the commercial industry when mated House announcing an agreement has to a set of English based cows. These been reached to restore U.S. access superior kill results led to a premium to the China export market after a of $223.00 per head on the steers in an 13-year ban. China and other Asian environment where every dollar counts! export markets will open demand for The heifer mates graded slightly over all classes of beef and help the value 88 percent Choice with 67 percent of of products Americans don’t regularly the heifers still in the Yield Grade 1 and 2 categories. This enabled the heifers to achieve The steers were able to average 95 percent Choice a premium of while still maintaining 77 percent Yield Grade 1s $225.00 per head. and 2s. This is outstanding, but reflective of what These kinds of Limousin genetics can accomplish on the right premiums were set of purebred cattle and exhibit what could be achieved when the spread was potentially utilized in a crossbreeding program by much narrower the commercial industry when mated to a set of than the $30 English based cows. Choice-Select spread that the market consume like tongues and short ribs, experienced this summer. They but also aid in the demand of high end not only eliminated risk, they middle cuts in addition to chucks and achieved substantial bonuses for rounds. China represents one-fifths of the world’s population and its middle class is larger than the entire U.S. population. It is estimated that current global export demand is adding $250 per head to each fed steer and heifer produced in the United States. Opening additional export access to countries like China is opportunity for seedstock and commercial cattle producers alike. As you look to increase the value of your cattle and get the additional production of superior quality and yield grade based pounds on cattle that possess high feed efficiency, look to Limousin genetics to improve your profitability over the decade ahead! I 10 | AUGUST 2017