LIMOUSIN TODAY April2019_WEB | Page 53

Consider Native Warm Season Grasses as a Compliment to Tall Fescue By David Burton, University Missouri extension Native warm season grasses conjure up good thoughts for some and reminders of bad experiences for others according to Tim Schnakenberg, field specialist in agronomy with University of Missouri Extension. “The truth is, these forages were all across our landscape long before tall fescue was introduced and there are still remnants of stands scattered across public and private lands throughout Missouri,” said Schnakenberg. For those who appreciate the benefits of grasses like big bluestem, switchgrass, Indiangrass, and Eastern gamagrass, use them as forages for hay and pasture and have the extra benefit of providing habitat for wildlife in production fields. “Many have found that these grasses are superior at minimizing fertilizer and lime expense, are highly palatable and provide a large quantity of forage at needed LIMOUSIN Today | 51