What is Behavior-Based Advertising ?
An online advertising technique that targets users based on previous behaviors and actions .
The ads display on virtually every screen cattle producers see daily , including platforms such as Facebook , YouTube , Instagram , Yahoo & Google Display Networks , Podcasts and streaming TV networks .
We can select viewers for your ads based on website & purchase behaviors , interests , and location , while producers are engaged on devices such as desktops , laptops , smart TVs , tablets , and smartphones .
is the average number of times a person checks their phone daily , totaling more than 3 HOURS .
81 %
of consumers conduct online research before purchasing .
64 %
of consumers make a purchase after watching branded videos on social media .
Please contact Limousin Media with any questions you might have or if you would like to use behavior-based advertising to generate new buyers at your upcoming sale .
* Remember , in behavior-based advertising ... You get what you pay for - if you pay for 30,000 impressions , you will get 30,000 .
In partnership with Livestock Launch
LIMOUSIN Media • 6155 S Main Steet , Suite 245 , Aurora , CO 80016-5370 • 303-220-1693 • NALF . org