Limousin 365 l365_apr2020-issue | Page 16

continued from page 12 Bred to be CHAMPIONS We are proud of cows, Limousin cattle can add a real shot of muscle, feed efficiency, improved weaning and yearling weights when used in an effective crossbreeding program that gives them the additional kick of heterosis and hybrid vigor in the cross. This can be achieved while maintaining marbling and superior maternal traits in a crossbreeding program that maintains superiority in traits of economic importance and are verified the International Genetic Solutions National Cattle Evaluation. P.S. Don’t forget to mention how Limousin has worked its way to the top end of the Docility EPD after 25 years of scoring, selective mating and culling for improving the trait the last 25 years. You have a commercially viable, usable product for commercial cattlemen across the United States, don’t forget to give them the reasons why they should utilize your genetics to help them improve their own bottom line as you market your own programs. our recent success! LLKT Miss Francesca NALF STAFF LISTING NORTH AMERICAN LIMOUSIN FOUNDATION 6205 S. Main St. Ste D-280 • Aurora, CO 80016-5370 ph: 303-220-1693 • fax: 303-220-1884 [email protected] • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR................................................... Mark Anderson Ext. 51, [email protected] • 970-590-9576 (c) LLKT Fergie Responsibilities include: Organizational leadership and direction; Liaison between the board of directors and staff. DNA PROCESSING & ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT.......... Tammy Anderson Ext. 57, [email protected] LLKT Miss Francesca LLKT Fergie S: TASF Crown Royal 960C D: LLKT Miss Carolina 511C Shown by Nikki Keeton BREED CHAMPION, 2020 FWSS Jr. Show S: TASF Crown Royal 960C D: LLKT Miss Daytona 610D Shown by Jacob Keeton RESERVE BREED CHAMPION, 2020 San Antonio Jr. Show We have earned a reputation of being super competitive on the Texas show circuit as well as on the national level. Our long list of champions have all been home raised which is something we take great pride in. These females go on to produce the next generation of champions. At San Antonio, we have had Grand or Reserve Grand 7 out of the last 9 years with one being Supreme Champion. We have a select group of Limousin show-heifer prospects for sale. Call today! Leonard & Betty Keeton Lyle & Shana Keeton Jacob, Nikki & Cole 10510 CR 1100 • Wolfforth, Texas 79382 806/866-9440 Leonard & Betty • 806/786-7428 Lyle & Shana [email protected] • 14 Responsibilities include: Accounts receivable for NALF members; DNA sample submissions; Assist with DNA results; Assist with accounts payable. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS & MEDIA....................Mallory Blunier Ext. 61, [email protected][email protected] Responsibilities include: NALF communications and press releases; Marketing coordinator; website manager and updates; Blog manager; Design services; E-Partners e-newsletter; Social media; State association communications liaison; Sale downloads. DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES..............................................Katie Campbell Ext. 43, [email protected] • 913-683-1415 (c) Responsibilities include: Junior programs; Medal of Excellence (MOE) shows; NALJA Board of Directors. DIRECTOR OF DNA PROCESSING & ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS..... Alison Jones Ext. 59, [email protected] Responsibilities include: Paying your NALF bill; Bill discrepancies; Request statements; All DNA services; LIMS program; Herd EPD downloads; International import/export paperwork. REGISTRY & MEMBER SERVICES SPECIALIST..... Stephanie Kramer-Beddo Ext. 27, [email protected] Responsibilities include: Membership questions; Registering natural and foreign animals; Recording weaning and yearling weights; Transfers of live animals and embryos; Bull and cow leases; New memberships; NALF-Digital Beef Member Site questions; Ultrasound results and barn sheets; Mailing certificates, supplies, and promotional material. • APRIL 2020