Limousin 365 April 2022 | Page 14


by Mark Anderson Executive Director North American Limousin Foundation

NALF Report : April 2022

Bull sale season is off to a successful start in 2022 at the time of this writing . Early sales through February and early March have been impressive not only in the quality of the genetics offered but also increased sale averages over the previous year . This is happening due to the dedicated effort breeders have made in supplying genetics that are very useful in the commercial market in combination with breeders obtaining additional customers

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The National Junior Limousin Show & Congress is not made possible without wonderful sponsors like you ! The 2022 Show Planning Committee is looking for Award Sponsorships for the 2022 National Junior Limousin Show & Congress in Amarillo , Texas , June 25 - July 1 .
Contact Mallory Blunier ( Mallory @ nalf . org ; 309.361.3007 ) or a junior board member if you would like to be an award sponsor . individually . The effort it takes to reach out to more commercial producers on an individual basis works , especially when the genetics provided through the purchase has immediate positive economic impact on their bottom lines .
Like it or not , today ’ s environment is an accelerated inflationary one that coincides with reduced cowherd numbers across the U . S . Even though we can expect to see increased prices for cattle , production costs have increased rapidly as well . Utilizing superior genetics is the only way to offset this , once fixed production costs have been lowered .
Higher feed prices will predominate in the country given concerns with higher fertilizer prices , fuel , weather volatility and global disruptions . Cattle that have superior feed efficiency all while adding more production pounds that can additionally capture quality and yield grade premiums will be in demand now more than ever .
As sustainability becomes more of a focus in today ’ s agriculture enterprises , Limousin has a good story to tell given its superior feed conversion rates . All cow / calf operations have a good story to tell here . Rotational grazing that promotes superior pasture growth and utilization of forage is unique to this industry . Plants absorb carbon from methane production in the recycling of methane .
Most farming enterprises engaged in crop production do this as well with carbon utilization as methane breaks down . Few industries can claim this in their production practices . Running cattle that have superior feed conversion will be a strong asset moving forward , not only in reduced feed cost and the production of efficient pounds , but also from a sustainability aspect as well .
The Limousin breed has always been known for superior feed efficiency but documenting that on current genetics is highly valuable moving forward . The importance of turning in performance data on birth weight , weaning weight and yearling weight is critical . More NALF members are also taking it a step further and are now capturing intake and feed conversion data on their sires and progeny of those sires to further document performance data .
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