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Gary Fuchs took over the family business in 1984 and has been carrying on the legacy ever since . Today , Fuchs Limousin boasts 80 head of registered , breeding-aged cattle and spans about 300 acres on property the family has called home since 1937 .
Fuchs has always valued working alongside family , though he ’ s found his family ties stretch beyond his own home . It is this sense of shared love for livestock and the people behind the cattle that led Fuchs to serve on the North American Limousin Foundation Board of Directors .
Though Fuchs admits he never pictured himself serving on the national level , he was always raised with the philosophy that you serve the organizations you ’ re a part of . So , when he received a phone call from his peers asking if his name could be added to the 2013 ballot for the NALF board , he said yes .
The chance to serve the Limousin breed was one he found himself saying yes to on more than one occasion . Fuchs served two three-year terms in total , a couple of which were spent as treasurer and the last two spent as president .
“ Probably the best experience I ’ ve had as a breeder was the chance to serve on the board ,” Fuchs said . “ I got to meet a lot of people , visit a lot of ranches and attend a lot of sales . It was just a really good experience .”
In addition to giving back to the industry and making new connections , Fuchs said serving on the board was a unique opportunity to learn more about the strengths of Limousin cattle . He has always believed a good animal offers the best of both phenotype and genetics , and during his years as a director allowed him to help further promote this message with breeders .
“ I always tell people you ’ ve got to be able to go out in the pasture and like what you ’ ve got ,” Fuchs said , “ but I ’ m very aware of the pedigrees , EPDs and things like that .” continued on page 38
Consistently Producing Bulls That Perform
Through our time in the cattle business we have been consistently driven to produce bulls that not only succeed in the show ring but also excel in the pasture . Multiple MOE Medal winning bulls and many satisfied repeat customers prove we are doing exactly that .
WWLU Frazier
HP / HB • 54 % LF • MAGS Aviator x CJSL 6103D CE : 13 BW : 0.8 WW : 70 YW : 114 MK : 17 MB : 0.17 $ MI : 58 Semen $ 40 • Grassroots Genetics
Thank you to Rolling Acres Limousin of Brookville , IN , for their purchase of
WWST Huey and WWST Jack Rabbit from us this spring . Champion and Reserve Champion Limousin Bulls at the 2021 Indiana State Fair . We wish you the best with your investments .
WWST HUEY 2021 National MOE Bronze Medal Bull
Join us May 7 as we offer our herd sire WWLU Frazier , a TASF Crown Royal son , and a CJSL Dauntless heifer at the Ohio Valley Limousin Sale in Mineral Wells , WV .
— LIMOUSIN — Andy , Connie , Clay , Zach , Luke and Jack Stirn
3150 Sharptown Rd ., West Harrison , IN 47060 513 / 300-2009 ( Andy ) • 513 / 739-7576 ( Luke ) whitewater _ limi @ heavenwire . net
36 • APRIL 2022