Limousin 365 2020_L365M_jan2020-issue | Page 55

FULLBLOODS.. Pounds Pay & s r e tt a M ll ti S e l c s Mu WILODGE CERBERUS One of the reasons we are confident in the cattle we are producing is the influence of this import, outcross sire. His progeny have extraor- dinary muscle shape and growth, plus he carries two copies of the F94L profit gene. We invite you to come see his progeny! If you are in the market to add calving-ease, growth and the powerful muscle Limousin cattle are known for, we hope you will consider the quality Fullblood cattle we have available. BEEF MACHINES The bulls available at Goss Limousin are built for the beef business. They are designed to add pounds and the extra muscle it takes to add value to a calf crop. Check out our website Vidor, Texas 77662 Anthony Goss 281-794-1339 David Goss 832-260-5885 Bulls and Females Available • JANUARY 2020 53