Limousin 365 2020_L365M_jan2020-issue | Page 16

continued from page 12 Take data collection and reporting seriously—Phenotypes are the fuel that drives the genetic evaluation. Take pride in collecting accurate data. If possible, try to collect additional phenotypes like mature cow weight, cow body condition score, feed intake and carcass data. Use genomics—DNA testing adds more information to what we know about an animal. The more genotypes we collect, the better we can predict DNA-tested animals in the future. Also, the more relatives genotyped, the better we can predict their relatives in future generations. Therefore, to ensure your bloodlines are well represented in the predictions, genotype your animals. As the IGS cattle evaluation continues to evolve and improve, Limousin will be a big part of the accuracy improvements. Wulf Cattle has always been data driven and a big user of data analysis, whole herd reporting, and one of the first to embrace genomically enhancing their cattle for increased accuracy. Thanks to the Wulf Cattle, Limousin will begin to have a tremendous impact on actual carcass phenotype reporting as they are providing a substantial amount of carcass data into the herdbook and the IGS evaluation next year. As seedstock breeders who are also heavily engaged in the cattle feeding business, the national cattle evaluation will be enhanced with thousands of carcass phenotype records specific to actual carcass weight, ribeye area, marbling, backfat and yield grade data. This will not only impact Limousin sires, but also Angus and Red Angus cattle used in the production of both Lim-Flex® and purebred cattle. The Limousin breed has other members that are cattle feeders and many of those are beginning to contribute carcass data on cattle that have pedigree information to track sires and dams. While ultrasound data is still heavily used and needed for carcass trait EPD accuracy, having a substantial amount of actual carcass data to a logical slaughter end point will vault Limousin to the front of actual supplied carcass data to the front of carcass phenotype submission in the U.S. in the near future. The rest of the seedstock industry is aware of this and watching for the results. The future is here and now with accelerated accuracy, analysis tools, single-step cattle evaluations and genomic testing increasing in the seedstock business. While many Limousin members are increasingly getting their bull sale offerings genomically-enhanced, many producers are starting to realize they need to start getting their cow factory’s genomically-enhanced as well. While customers are demanding their bull purchases be genomically- enhanced prior to purchase, members are starting to realize their cow factory that stays on the place every year needs to be enhanced as well. This is not always affordable in many operations but some have begun to enhance their replacement heifers every year in an effort to eventually have their cow herds on the profilers. Once a member’s cows are genomically-enhanced and they are mated to sires that are as well, the progeny will benefit and see less variability in their EPDs. The North American Limousin Foundation staff and its board of directors are diligently working to provide our breeders the best tools in the business in the race to make the right kind of cattle that are relevant in the commercial cattle industry throughout the United States. Please call us as you have questions about the tools and services that are available. 14 NALF STAFF LISTING NORTH AMERICAN LIMOUSIN FOUNDATION 6205 S. Main St. Ste D-280 • Aurora, CO 80016-5370 ph: 303-220-1693 • fax: 303-220-1884 [email protected] • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR................................................... Mark Anderson Ext. 51, [email protected] • 970-590-9576 (c) Responsibilities include: Organizational leadership and direction; Liaison between the board of directors and staff. DNA PROCESSING & ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT.......... Tammy Anderson Ext. 57, [email protected] Responsibilities include: Accounts receivable for NALF members; DNA sample submissions; Assist with DNA results; Assist with accounts payable. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS & MEDIA....................Mallory Blunier Ext. 61, [email protected][email protected] Responsibilities include: NALF communications and press releases; Marketing coordinator; website manager and updates; Blog manager; Design services; E-Partners e-newsletter; Social media; State association communications liaison; Sale downloads. DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES..............................................Katie Campbell Ext. 43, [email protected] • 913-683-1415 (c) Responsibilities include: Junior programs; Medal of Excellence (MOE) shows; NALJA Board of Directors. DIRECTOR OF DNA PROCESSING & ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS..... Alison Jones Ext. 59, [email protected] Responsibilities include: Paying your NALF bill; Bill discrepancies; Request statements; All DNA services; LIMS program; Herd EPD downloads; International import/export paperwork. REGISTRY & MEMBER SERVICES SPECIALIST..... Stephanie Kramer-Beddo Ext. 27, [email protected] Responsibilities include: Membership questions; Registering natural and foreign animals; Recording weaning and yearling weights; Transfers of live animals and embryos; Bull and cow leases; New memberships; NALF-Digital Beef Member Site questions; Ultrasound results and barn sheets; Mailing certificates, supplies, and promotional material. • JANUARY 2020