Unlocking Art 2020:
The First Virtual Exhibition of the SSS
With the vacuum left from the RHS Wisley Exhibition not taking place this year, the SSS Committee agreed that a virtual exhibition, created mostly from the Wisley submissions, would be a fitting alternative.
An exhibition team, composed of Nick Baker, Diana Pattenden, Gill Lawson and Seamus Cuddihy, was set up to decide how to bring this to fruition.
The name for the virtual exhibition is Unlocking Art 2020. This seems fitting as it coincides with the easing of the UK Government’s lockdown restrictions imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Unlocking Art 2020 is a positive outcome from the disappointment of the cancellation of the RHS Wisley Exhibition and the Coronavirus crisis.
To circumvent the lockdown, the Virtual Exhibition Team, like the rest of the country, met remotely. Several ideas were discussed but we agreed that the simplest approach would be to create something similar to what AppArt did earlier in the year when their show was cancelled due to Covid-19.
In fact, we thought – “Why don’t we ask Gwyn Phillips (who created AppArt’s virtual exhibition) if he would be prepared to help us put Unlocking Art 2020 together?"
To our great delight and relief Gwyn agreed to create the video and the work began on designing the online application forms, agreeing new procedures, composing communications with SSS Members, selecting the most appropriate pieces, etc, etc.
Seamus took on the role of Virtual Exhibition Manager and liaised between Gwyn and the Team over the next month or so until the finished product emerged: a 6.5-minute high definition video showcasing 71 sculptures by 48 of the Surrey Sculpture Society’s professional and emerging artists.
SSS virtual exhibition
Unlocking Art 2020
"We all know a time when we have felt so elated at achieving something significant in our lives. It could be passing an exam, finishing a project, scoring our first goal in Little League, graduating, etc, etc. This sculpture attempts to capture that moment."
Celebration by Seamus Cuddihy
Text supplied by Seamus Cuddihy
"Exploring space and depth, this form can be placed in several orientations. Sculptures usually have weighted or flat bases – my work often questions the human attraction to 'up and down'."
Opening by Lisa Pettibone