Limited Edition Issue 7 | Page 15


Domino Game:

Art as a Better Communication Form

Asta created this interactive art game, based on the concept of the domino game. Exploring the rules of the game and its goal, Asta discovered that interacting with the components brought controversial conclusions.

The hidden concept of this art game was that art can communicate with people on a deeper level than language. (Some artists struggle to express themselves in words so they try to communicate by creating visions.) The combinations are up to each individual – you can arrange them in a chaotic or disorderly fashion, putting pieces on top of each other, twisting or turning them, matching or mismatching them… endless possibilities.

This art installation was submitted to Asta’s professors in Norway.

Washed Off Memories is another interactive installation. Asta explains:

I worked with the elderly who have dementia. I chose for them nice soft clay to touch and they were very creative in making their own sculptures. I didn't give instructions, just practical help, tools, materials and encouragement.

To unite such huge variety of produced sculptures, I decided to make a child lost in his world.

The idea was this: in every adult lives a vulnerable child.

I covered the ground in soft blue felt that people could sit on and touch the elderly's artwork. The blue felt symbolized memories washed off from the deepest corners of the elderly's brains.

In the corner I put an old-time chair with old man's trousers hanging and slippers next to it. The chair was covered in shinning fibreoptic lights which symbolised the magical transformation of the elderly.

Domino Game

Washed Off Memories