Malcolm West
What or who inspires you?
Beauty, movement and colour. Whether it is a ballet dancer or the light in a landscape. I don't have to look far for it and it happens all the time. I just don't have the time to work on it all.
What motivates you?
Time is my biggest motivator; or the fact that it is becoming less. Also the nagging of ideas that are queuing in my head for the chance to become created.
Why are you so passionate about your work?
I dream about being considered an equal or an almost equal of the artists I hold dear, when in reality I know that would never happen. Keep chasing that star though.
Did your upbringing influence your work? If yes, in what way?
Yes it did. I was always asked to draw things for others at school from six years old. Also opening a book and seeing a photo of the Discobolus when I was still in single figures. It blew my mind.
What event/experience has made an impact on your life as an artist?
Several. One is the Discobolus moment. The other was my sister telling me that the next World War will be the end of us all. I was 11 at the time and, after several years of coming to terms with that, decided that if I was going to make a mark I would have to get on and do all the things I wanted to do ASAP, as all our lives seemed to be hanging by the will of two selfish greedy people.
What is integral to the work of an artist?
Sincerity. Not avoiding the hard work, but embracing it - learning from mistakes, not just making do and hoping people won't notice, but seeing it through.
What is you work ethic?
Not to avoid it or make excuses. Get on with it!
Text supplied by Malcolm West
Sleep, Alexandra, Please by Malcolm West
Malcolm carving Icarus IV