Limited Edition Issue 16 | Page 24


It was our first visit to Margate since the building of the Turner Contemporary Gallery which is almost invisible at various points of the day as the sky turns into various hues of blue and grey. Much like the Gormley man (Another time) - who is either 'there' or he isn't, depending on the tide. This huge block of a building somehow moulds into the landscape - it matches the green algae when looking from the sea up and the sky - which makes it almost missable.


We visited Beyond Form on its first day. As non-artists we were instructed to be led by intuition and our eyes. And so we allowed ourselves to be drawn into some pieces and away from others.


My favourite was Marisa Merz's Living Sculpture and Rosemarie Castoro's Pray Do. Some needed more explanation, others not and frustratingly, some pieces of work had been made in order to be physically changeable depending on the viewer but these works were trapped in a perspex cube. Imprisoned.  Which surely wasn't the intention of the artist, Lygia Clark. We saw the poo in the exhibition before seeing images of the making of that work. If only we'd seen those first because we didn't get it there and then. Only the next day was it clearer on seeing the amazing creative images.


The Lynda Benglis sculptures in the Sunley Gallery are so fitting for this space and brought a sense of calm with a constant desire to touch them!



Thanks go to Alex and Jordanna for indulging me!  So all in all it was a perfect weekend away and a good choice of gallery and exhibition.