Limited Edition Issue 15 | Page 23


The main objective of the Limited Edition eMagazine is to support the aims of the Society and the needs of our members by providing a vehicle for the communication of news, information and ideas.

To this end, contributions are invited from members. Please keep your submissions relevant and concise, and do include photographs where possible.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Please send your contributions, feedback and suggestions to:

[email protected]

Finally ...From the Editor

The diary and tips should give encouragement to all of us who haven't, as yet, dipped our toes into the world of open studios. Something to consider while we sit on the fence deliberating either a collective exhibition or opening our doors to the general public.

Thank you to Greg Pearson and Elizabeth Cooke for describing their experiences and what to expect. Also to all the long suffering partners who have to experience life living with an artist including the stress involved of having to be tidy and throwing out unwanted stuff that clutter studios. Being the meet and greet partner, hopefully enjoying a process of showing art that should be a wonderful experience.

Thank you too to Mark Reed for his interview; A fascinating insight into his artistic journey - and to all the other contributors.

Remember if you feel like you have something to share, do contact us using the details below.

Here's hoping that you enjoy reading this Edition as much as the editorial team!

Melissa Ransom


Caracal by Sarah Goodfellow