Limited Edition Issue 15 | Page 18


Egyptian Ibis



Elizabeth Cooke – Suffolk Artists Studios

December 2022

I have decided that I will take part in Suffolk Open Studios, it's been several years since the last one - 10 - I think? 

Living in the heart of West Suffolk we have to drive our own footfall as studios are very spread out.  All the artists seem to congregate around the East Coast but  there are a few of us holding the West Suffolk banner!

From memory, the last open studio was not a great success  -  mainly my family turning up!

A lot has changed since then!

 There is social media to support me more fully.  I know I will have to do a lot of work publicising the event myself.

January 2023

Filling out my online entry for the Open Studios. It always takes a while to get it just right and make sure the photos are the right size.

February 2023

We were sent reminders to check our entries online, however, I didn't as I was laid low by Norovirus. Thank goodness,  I was quite careful when I did my entry last month!

March 2023

My husband becomes semi-retired and we decided to go on a long holiday.  Fabulous, but when can we go?  I have my Open Studios in June and a mountain of work to do towards it, so we decided on the beginning of May.

April 2023

As we are going away next month I have started some tidying up.  I have a garage which was converted to a studio in 1999 where I do my welding.  I also have a newly built studio where I make my 2D and small, non-messy work. 

I have started the big tidy up, starting with the easy one - the Hermitage (2D) as we call it! Even though it has only been in action for about 4 years, it still needs a lot of tidying.  Artists find it very hard to throw anything away - you never know when it might be useful!

There is a “Taster Exhibition” in Aldeburgh.  We’re all invited to submit pieces.  I sent a few along and sold a mounted picture.  Whether anyone will come along as a result of this event will remain to be seen.

May 2023

Apart from having a great holiday in Orkney, I have started to publicise the Open Studio and have printed some postcards.  The trail that I'm part of encourages people to visit several studios in one area.

Thinking about what it is that I want people to see? What experience do I want the visitors to come away having?  The art should be the main focus.

June 2023

The first weekend has happened!

I did some last minute posting on local network groups and getting very frustrated as it doesn't seem to matter how many times you post saying. “Open to everyone!” , some people still seem unaware! 

Increasingly I am feeling like everyone wants a personal invite and constant reminders.

Anyway... a steady stream of people call at the weekend; quieter on Sunday than Saturday. 

It was really hot on Sunday, therefore was visited by a high proportion of local people who were either passing and saw the enormous notice or heard about it through the neighbourhood networks. 

Surprisingly, I sold a few pieces - notably one that was so old and heavy that I decided not to put on a price.

I am not a particularly social person and find meeting people difficult so was very anxious about that element of the weekend.  Luckily my partner is quite the reverse and he was in full on meet and greet mode!

It is difficult to know what to do when people arrive. Busy myself with doing a few things in my studio? I like people to be able to look around without being bombarded. It works best when there are a few people at the same time and I found it most awkward when there was one person going around. 

Some of my work was situated in the kitchen, however, I found that people were more reluctant to go in the house - I think they felt like they were intruding whereas the studio was a safe place.

Overall the first weekend went well and was a success. I am not dreading next weekend! 

 The day after the last weekend

Well I feel ok; a bit tired and grumpy.  There was good footfall - I think - don't know what the average would be, but around 80 over two weekends.

 It was enough to feel busy most of the time.  I had lots of praise, some sales and some potential sales.  It depends what happens after as to how I look back at the weekends. 

I made a lot of work and wanted to tidy the place. I needed to have a really good clearout.

I also created an art trail in my garden.   I didn't need to do all that but that's how I wanted it to be.

Would I do it again?  Well, as I mentioned earlier, I find the social situations really stressful and it's hard to make sure that I talk to everyone. Then I feel like I would also like a new set of work ....or a different audience!