Limited Edition Issue 14 | Page 25

Finally ...From the Editor

Spring is sprung and we are excited to be on the road again, starting our 2023 journey at the ever beautiful, Ramster Gardens. The floral greeting that we have there to start the outdoor part of our year, is truly second to none. The variety and colour delighting the senses in every way.

A cheap segue into the variety contained in this edition, but true nonetheless!

Whilst we take a quick look back at our Landmark Showcase, it was great to be able to take a very different look at just one aspect of that show in talking to Joe Dyson, Head of Art at KGS giving us a brief insight into their art scholarship programme.

The rest of the magazine was a wonderfully different walk in the sculptural park! Public art from an emerging sculptor, a glimpse into the life of a long standing, experienced professional and a look at one of the Renaissance Masters! I certainly learned something; I hope you did too!

We are always pleased to receive content and ideas for this publication. Your experiences of making, exhibiting and seeing sculpture are so valuable to all of us as members and non-members alike. Please do drop us a line with an article or just an idea for one.

Have a wonderful spring and summer and we will be back towards the end of the year, throwing the first logs on to a cosy, autumnal fire.

Caroline Wheaton


The main objective of the Limited Edition eMagazine is to support the aims of the Society and the needs of our members by providing a vehicle for the communication of news, information and ideas.

To this end, contributions are invited from members. Please keep your submissions relevant and concise, and do include photographs where possible.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Please send your contributions, feedback and suggestions to:

[email protected]


Female Form in Red by Kristina Hagstrom