His work, which started at the outset of the Renaissance period, has inspired sculptors and painters alike and to find so much of it and such a varied sample in one exhibition is a rare privilege.
He started his career as a goldsmith. This gave him skills in drawing, modelling and chasing as well as allowing him to experiment with different colour and materials. He went on to join the workshop practice of Lorenzo Ghiberti where he honed his modelling skills working in wax and clay. Having then shown that he was also a talented a marble carver, he gained regular work in Florence Cathedral who gave regular work to artists and masons.
The workshop system, so prevalent at the time, fostered collaboration and competition. Donatello himself went on to form an established practice with the sculptor and architect Michelozzo. Michelozzo brought with him not only complementary artistic skills but, as an able administrator, he also had the necessary business skills needed to run their practice.
Within the constructs of this formal partnership , they undertook architectural work in cities all over Italy.
Above: Hammered copper head by Beltramino for apse in Milan Cathedral
Below: Low reilief scene in gilded terracotta