Limited Edition Issue 14 | Page 2


Morning All,

Welcome to the veritable dessert trolley of sculptural sweets that make up this latest edition of our internationally acclaimed magazine. I know the sticky-toffee is a safe bet but we have cheesecake, crumble and a chocolate torte that made several committee members weep.

Much as my fragile ego likes to think that you are desperate to hear what words of wisdom I may impart; the crushing truth is you’re just reading this out of politeness. It’s quite possible that you’re merely killing a little time whilst the kettle boils.

No matter, I’ll happily keep you company for a few moments and take the chance for a little catch-up.

At the time of writing we are in the middle of spring though I might say that my garden doesn’t know which way’s up. Earlier today it showed 18 degrees on my van’s thermometer and right now the rain is bouncing of my roof and I’m heading towards the heating controls. Who’d be a daffodil!

Dock of the Bay by Miranda Barber

by Miranda Barber


Thrilled as you are to chat about the weather, that’s probably not the best use of this time together. I won’t spoil anything but we do have some great articles in this edition and it’s such a delight to be allowed a glimpse into the minds of our contributors.

So often our daily conversations are passing, mundane (Is it raining with you?) and a little unfulfilling but here we have articles that dive a little deeper than the surface. To labour the dessert trolley analogy, we hope that you are entirely sated by the end of this culinary climax.

As you may know we now have a new and energetic Education Co-ordinator (Karen Pearson) and she is chomping at the bit to arrange talks, demos and all manner of events. I mention this, not only because she gave me a tenner for a name-check, but also because her brief is a natural bedfellow with the Limited Edition. When we are lucky enough to tempt an artist to give a talk or demo, we all have a chance to delve deep into their experience and knowledge – and I would suggest that this is a privilege that we should savour whenever we can.

So I urge you to enjoy this edition but also keep an eye out for Karen’s agenda and grab every opportunity to learn something new or perhaps you’d like to contribute in some way – get in touch if that’s the case.

By now I guess the kettle’s boiled and you’re keen to crack on with the first page…I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

I’ll end by saying that I hope to see you all at an exhibition or three and I’ll update you on my daffodils’ progress.

Happy sculpting!

Nick Baker
