Limited Edition Issue 13 | Page 23

Finally ...From the Editor

Winter beckons and the desire to hunker down and nurse a cup of cocoa by the fire becomes all-encompassing as the nights draw in.

It is therefore delightful to have some travel highlights in this edition with a look at sculpture in the cool of Norway and the heat of the Tanzanian savannah. Something to bring a different perspective to those cosy evenings indoors.

It was lovely to see so many happy and interested faces as we stewarded our exhibitions in 2022. Even more lovely then, to note a couple of shining reviews from journalists at Sussex Exclusive and ingénu/e magazine. If you enjoyed any of our trails and want to let us know what you thought, why not contribute to our magazine in 2023?

We are always pleased to receive content and ideas for this publication. Your experiences of making, exhibiting and seeing sculpture are so valuable to all of us as members and non-members alike. The thoughts of Dawn on her first Open Studios experience and Michael on his unwitting but welcome launch into a career as a tour guide, are wonderfully different but still hold lessons for us all.

And so all it remains for us to do is wish you a wonderfully happy and healthy festive season. May 2023 bring sculptural joy & happiness!

Caroline Wheaton


The main objective of the Limited Edition eMagazine is to support the aims of the Society and the needs of our members by providing a vehicle for the communication of news, information and ideas.

To this end, contributions are invited from members. Please keep your submissions relevant and concise, and do include photographs where possible.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Please send your contributions, feedback and suggestions to:

[email protected]


Vessel of Life - Rose Paba-Jones

Patient Bird - Ronnie Dongo