Limited Edition Issue 11 | Page 29

Finally ...From the Editor

This edition has an amazing, exciting kaleidoscope of sculptural news from a wonderful year, despite ongoing covid restrictions during much of the time. I wish to introduce myself as the editor of this Limited Edition. I have done my best to keep to a similar standard to previous editions, although that will be very difficult act to follow! So a great ''Thank you' to Marian Ironmonger who has worked diligently on the editorial side of things for an impressive amount of years.

In this publication, we have been able to congratulate Christine Charlesworth and had a very close look at her experiences producing prominent public commissions of great women past and present.

We have had a fascinating glimpse at the processes of organising and being an exhibition manager for the new venues, Ramster Garden and Leonardslee Gardens, from Alison Catchlove and Abby Martin. An insight into selection and a look behind the scenes at Savill Garden from Andy Bendix & Denise Jaques.

Thank you for all those who have sent in articles for this edition! Please can you continue to send in any relevant articles or news on commissions and information to Caroline Wheaton or myself and we will be very happy to include them in future publications.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year .

Melissa Ransom


The main objective of the Limited Edition eMagazine is to support the aims of the Society and the needs of our members by providing a vehicle for the communication of news, information and ideas.

To this end, contributions are invited from members. Please keep your submissions relevant and concise, and do include photographs where possible.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Please send your contributions, feedback and suggestions to:

[email protected]


Pelly Baby - Andy Bendix

Flying Man - Steve Bicknell