Hello and welcome to our quarterly foray into the world of sculpture. We always try to combine a mixture of news and reports from recent SSS events and then add a smattering of more considered or reflective pieces. And I’m pleased to say that this 11th edition does not disappoint!
It feels like a stuck record to reference the Covid restrictions and so I won’t. It is however a real pleasure to be back at exhibitions, meeting people, seeing how the venues have grown and, dare I say it, making some sales.
We had two new venues to explore this year. Ramster Gardens was a great success, Alison Catchlove and Carol Orwin combined to produce a brilliant inaugural trail. It all went so well that Rosie (Ramster’s owner) has already invited us back next year and we can’t wait to accept her invitation. Alison has kindly written a report for you to peruse, so I won’t say any more here.
Our second new venue was Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens. Abby Martin and Allan Mackenzie worked closely with the staff at the venue to present another wonderful and successful trail, receiving positive feedback from all concerned. Another stunning location we hope to revisit in the future.
On a slightly different note, we managed to host a small (Covid restricted numbers) social event at Lynn and David Paynter’s idyllic house. As ever they were gracious hosts and I’d like to thank them for their generosity. In spite of the limited numbers, we had a great time and are looking forward to more expansive offerings next year – keep your eyes peeled for announcements via the E-bulletin.
Red Protea by Nicholas Baker
We are continually looking for novel ways to engage with sculpture lovers and new venues to entice the public to attend. No spoilers here but we have several potential avenues to pursue. A couple of teaser sentences would be “An Arts and Crafts venue…” and ” A foray into a Junior trail…”. We’ll let you know when there’s more to tell!
More broadly, I would like to emphasise that this Society is about you and your artistic journey. If you have any thoughts or suggestions then please let us know. Constructive criticism is always welcome, hurtful comments about my dress-sense, not so much.
Perhaps you have a great story or interesting slant on something sculptural – release your inner author and you could be here in edition 12! Here I am talking about edition 12 and I’ve not let you get through number 11…on that note, I’ll sign off now by wishing you all the best for this autumn and happy sculpting!
All the very best to you all,
Nicholas Baker