and finally...
Farewell from the Editor
It’s been a journey of discovery, almost four years of technological peaks and troughs, which was undertaken with a lot of support and encouragement from the SSS Committee and members. Thank you:
Henriette van der Does, for her progressive views as Chair; David Paynter, for his advice and eagle-eyed proofreading during his time as Communications Coordinator (and Deputy Chair); Exhibition Managers and Designers who conscientiously provided the write-up on their exhibitions; Committee- and member-contributors who related their visits to museums and galleries, took photos, interviewed artists, as well as shared their stories, experiences, talent and techniques through the written word and in video; and MA (My Assistant), the long-suffering and patient husband (enough - it might go to his head). I am grateful.
What a pleasure and privilege it was to deliver ten issues of the Limited Edition, eight of which are available to the public through the Joomag Newsstand.
Now it is time to hand over the editorial reins – there is still so much to share!
The main objective of the Limited Edition eMagazine is to support the aims of the Society and the needs of our members by providing a vehicle for the communication of news, information and ideas.
To this end, contributions are invited from members. Please keep your submissions relevant and concise, and do include photographs where possible.
Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Please send your contributions, feedback and suggestions to:
Luha (Tear) by Marian Ironmonger
Appreciation is a wonderful thing.
It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.