Varaksina pulls ideas from many different
places, “sometimes it is something I’ve
been dreaming about for years, other
times it is inspired by my client’s personality
or a product.” Varaksina also cites Swedish
and French films and artists like Balthus
and Hammershoi as sources of inspiration.
Varaksina declares she gets many ideas
from watching films, reading books and
learning more about people.
which she uses a Wacom tablet. Varaksina
cshoots with a “Canon 5D Mark III in
combination with a Canon 85mm f/1.2 lens.”
Not only does Varaksina work with high
profile brands and companies, but she is also
a photography instructor at The New York
Film Academy. She has been working there
for two years, helping students realize their full
“It’s not necessarily a direct interpretation
NYFA’s Photography School Chair, David
of what I saw or read, but it triggers
Mager states, “Kristina never fails to amaze,
something in me, something that maybe
she has the incredible ability to teach the
has been in the back of my mind for
technical side, while being
a while.” Varaksina
unbelievably creative.”
“Kristina never
mentions, “I get my ideas
Mager added, “Students
from life around me,
fails to amaze, she always walk away with
when I talk to people or
has the incredible new knowledge that is
see someone; something
easily implemented in
I see makes me think of a
ability to teach the their own photographic
certain subject and then
technical side, while practice.”
I start thinking of how to
being unbelievably Varaksina works in both,
visualize it.”
Varaksina typically works
in a photography studio
complete with lighting
gear and different backdrops, but
“sometimes we also build sets in a studio
or shoot on location both indoor and
outdoor, in the world.”
According to Varaksina, “Lighting is the
god of photography,” she continues,
“it depends on what and where you
photograph, but it can completely change
the mood.” Post production is the key to
how she achieves her particular look in
fine art and commercial
photography fields.
“I’ve always considered
myself a portrait photographer over fashion
photographer even though a large portion of
my work is for fashion brands and magazines.”
Varaksina’s work has been published in
Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Hooligan’s Magazine,
Fantastics Magazine and many other
lookbooks for luxury brands. “I love to be
involved with brands, companies and
organizations that change the world be it
saving lives, protecting people, nature or just
being responsible with labor and resources.”