Lillian Campbell Bookmark Joomag | Page 2

Lillian ’ s family would like to thank you all for the many expressions of kindness , care , love and support you have shown them at this time , and for your presence here today .
JUDE 1 : 24-25
To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy . To the only God our Saviour be glory , majesty , power and authority , through Jesus Christ our Lord , before all ages , now and forevermore ! Amen .
You are warmly invited to join the family to share refreshments and reflect on Lillian ’ s life at The Shelter Brewing Co , 11 Foreshore Parade , Busselton , from 3.00pm today .
For Grief and Loss resources or to send the family a message of condolence visit www . barrettfunerals . com . au
Music and literary works copied for this service are done under license with OneMusic Australia , ARIA and Copyright Agency
© Funeral Studio 2022 barrettfunerals . com . au
Produced by
funeralstudio . com . au