LILI | Page 3

The origin of the Living Library project and the reason for why is needed

"It is clear that living libraries alone will not change the current society but they can be a milestone to build a new concept of Europe based on social cohesion and dialogue."

To defy discrimination and exclusion of refugees and migrants in Europe, to create a more inclusive society in which equality of human rights and dignity is real, the project “Living Library” was thought. Developed in Denmark in 2000 to deal with topics such as discrimination, inclusion, violence and to decrease the level of prejudices and stereotypes,

Living Library became part of the Council of Europe’s program in 2003. Hence, the

necessity to think a project which could help combat stereotypes and prejudices. If books cannot be judged by their covers, neither can people. Just as it works in any library, people will be given the opportunity to borrow books and give them back after some time.

The only exception is that books will be replaced by people who have been victim of discrimination or represent groups subjected to stigma discrimination or exclusion.

The living libraries will encourage one-to one conversations between civil society and refugees/migrants. Telling stories out loud can be a very empowering tool and the humanizing process will facilitate social inclusion in the community as the autochthonous population will become more open and available to dialogue and to build meaningful relations.