Marriage and Divorce:
Family structure during the '80s was not something that could be put into statistic. Many couples never married and obtained a domestic marriage,
"My husband and I lived together happily for two years before we married. During that time, we felt married. Nevertheless, from the moment Chris and I set our wedding date, our cause was one of public and private celebration."
- Libby Mosier: New Woman Magazine (1987)
Although there were just as many couples that did marry (approx 7.4 marriages per 1000 people), by 1980 there were approximatly 2.7 divorces per 1000 people; by 1989 there were approximatly 13 divorces per 1000 people. With such a heightened divorce rate nearly all states adopted no-fault divorce.
Gender Roles:
During the '80s gender equality was taking a turn for the good. Many magazines depicted women working with men; from 1982 to 1989 the total approval of female work in a "male's" work grew from approximatly 75.30% - 78.60%. Many sitcom television shows, such as the Cosby Show,
depicted men doing stereotypical
female work.