The Senior Luncheon Program
The Senior Luncheon Program is a part of the LCM Out-
reach Ministry. Each month, usually the third Friday,
volunteers give their time and talents to provide home
cooked meals for area seniors. The seniors who attend
the monthly gathering have an opportunity to socialize
with people their age and reminisce about days gone by.
“I enjoy the Lighthouse Senior Luncheon because I get to
meet with other seniors I have developed many friend-
ships as a result,” said Linda Jurek. “We are served a
warm meal, play games, get prizes and we don’t have to
think about our problems for a little while.”
Along with the hot meal, the volunteers prepare a specif-
ic theme to coincide with the month. For instance, there
is the usual theme for holidays such as Christmas, Hal-
loween, St. Patrick’s Day and Valentine’s Day, but there
are other fun and entertaining themes as well. The pho-
tos to the right show our seniors enjoying the Paris Day
outing with everyone wearing matching berets.
The Senior Luncheon Program is held from 11:00 a.m.—
2:00 p.m. at Faith Assembly of God Church immediately
across the street from the Lighthouse facility at 800
Grand Avenue in Bacliff. The luncheon is free and our
senior neighbors are invited to attend.
For more information about joining the seniors or spon-
soring the Senior Luncheon, contact Marissa Reiter, Out-
reach Ministry Manager at 281-339-3033 ext. 301 or
email at [email protected].
Easter “Sonrise” Service
He is Risen!!
The Sonrise service, hosted annually by the Bay Area
Ministerial Alliance, was held on Easter Sunday at 7:00
a.m. at Spillway Park in San Leon. Many of our neigh-
bors joined us in celebration and praise. Brother Don
Owens of San Leon Community Church was one of sev-
eral pastors who brought the uplifting and inspirational
messages to a packed crowd as the sun rose over the wa-
… to shine Christ’s love and hope in our community.