FAITH & THE CHURCH NEW! CHANGED BY BEHOLDING BY HARRY A. IRONSIDE HOW is the Christian changed into the image of Christ? Is it through our own holiness or goodness? No, not possible. We do not become holy by looking into our own hearts. We shall only find corruption there. We are to look unto Jesus, and as He becomes the object of our hearts, as we consider and ponder on His holiness, purity, love, and compassion, His devotion to the Father’s will, we shall be changed, imperceptibly to ourselves, perhaps, but none-the-less surely, into His blessed image. By putting on the new man (rebirth), being cleansed by His Word and hiding it deep in our hearts, we are changed by beholding Him. Changed by Beholding is a series of lectures given by Harry Ironside regarding salvation and the ensuing life that follows one’s decision to put his faith explicitly in Jesus Christ. The book includes the lyrics to numerous ageless hymns and Ironside’s unforgettable anecdotes that illustrate what a life looks like when it is sold out for God. [CH-BH] 140 pages | $11.95 | 978-1-94243-28-7 NEW! HOLINESS: THE FALSE & THE TRUE BY HARRY A. IRONSIDE FOR the first six years of Harry Ironside’s Christian life, he was involved with a group that taught that sinless perfection could be obtained by the believer with an experience called the “second blessing.” Ironside believed that if he strove hard enough, zealously resisted temptations, and used a variety of methods taught him by the group, he could reach this state of perfection. During this time period, Ironside became aware that many who were on the same path to perfect holiness fell into despair and even mental breakdown, and he himself finally became tormented that he had perhaps lost his salvation and was doomed to be eternally lost because he failed to reach this level of perfect holiness. Finally, young Ironside came to the realization that he had become wholly dependent upon himself rather than on Christ. He saw that he “had been looking within for holiness instead of without.” The first part of the book is biographical; the second part is a biblical explanation. [HLY] 170 pages | $12.95 | 978-1-942423-41-6 48 ORDER ONLINE: ORDER BY MAIL: P.O. BOX 908 / EUREKA, MT. 59917