Lighthouse Trails Research Journal VOL 8 | NO. 1 | Page 8

Lighthouse Trails Research Journal 8 The Fate of the Nations—Then and Now (Psalm 9) BY BILL RANDLES The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever. Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah. (Psalm 9 :17-20) M any people miss the full import of the Psalms of the Bible because they limit their understanding of them to being divine poetry or as wisdom literature. Some correctly go further and realize that the Psalms are also Messianic prophecies, describing the mission and triumph of the Lord Jesus. But few realize that the Psalms of the Bible have an eschatological aspect. They speak of the events and conditions of the end-times and of the coming of the Lord. Psalm 9 celebrates the cataclysmic judg- ment that falls upon the nations of the world who hate and trouble Israel. They have digged a pit for her, but they them- selves have fallen into it. They are guilty of innocent blood, but the Lord comes to make inquisition. In the passage above, there are two cat- egories of nations discussed. The wicked nations are those who are and always have been twisted. These are those whose very essence has been shaped by false religion, such as Islam, or Hinduism, or the more recent Atheistic nations (communist). At the core of every “culture” is a “cul- tus,” a religion which informs and under- girds the culture so pervasively that few even consciously realize it. If the religion is false, the culture is by definition deeply flawed. There are nations which can only be de- scribed as “wicked.” Injustice is written into the very fabric of the culture, let alone the laws which reflect that culture. Because of VOLUME 8—NO. 1 the religion that undergirds those nations, informing their cultures, there must of ne- cessity be a “caste system” or a “Jizya” tax. Muslim nations have to be hostile to Christians; one would expect them to top the world lists of the most repressive nations, to women, minorities, and religious minori- ties. Sharia is of necessity a twisted parody of justice. These nations are “the wicked”! But there is another category of nations suggested here, “all of the nations that forget God.” These are the nations who once had some semblance of freedom, true justice, and human rights. They were never perfect but for a time were not oppressor nations, although they wielded unprecedented power to be so. I speak of the West, Europe, the English- speaking world, and wherever they colonized and thrived. How is it that such nations developed into such freedom loving, human- rights guarding, private-property respecting cultures? Because our culture developed out of the soil of Judeo Christianity. It is the secret of our prosperity in the West as well as of our sense of fairness, respect for life, willingness to sacrifice, our work ethic, insistence on checks and bal- ances in government, and a host of other traits which have brought refugees from every other culture streaming into the West to enjoy those freedoms. But the West has forgotten God, for the most part. Certainly our leaders have; many of them are working hard to erase all traces of the Judeo Christian influence from our past, present, and future. They have repudiated God; they are actually proving to be hostile to God! The nations are headed for Tribulation; they are about to be cast into an unbeliev- able pit, a Hell of biblical proportions! For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever. I believe the “poor and needy” that God will not forget, in this case, are not the “political poor” nor is this a reference to general poverty. Here the “poor and needy” are the remnant of God’s people, who have been isolated by the nations, hated, and lied about and who have no natural resources or power to successfully answer the charges. They cast themselves on God for they have no other options in a hostile world. Israel’s enemies are gathering in size and influence, and her friends and lovers are abandoning her. Vicious hate groups such as Hamas, Hezbullah, and Al Queda are losing their fear of Israel, realizing that her former friends are aloof. But she is about to learn the age-old les- son that it never was the USA or the IDF that saved and preserved Israel. Israel’s help and champion has always been God. The last verses of this Psalm are a prayer about the nations, in which the Psalmist by the Holy Spirit exposes the twofold prob- lem with the modern nations of the world, and which has led to this coming cataclysm: “Put them in fear, O LORD”— Cer- tainly America, Britain, and Europe have lost the fear of the Lord. Is it any mystery why Wisdom is so far from our leaders? They are godless, and thus have no knowl- edge. When nations lose the fear of God, they lose the power to have a just and moral society. There is no reason to restrain any appetite, no matter how depraved when God is forgotten, as Paul testifies: And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; Concludes on next page SPRING 2020