Lighthouse Trails Research Journal VOL. 5 | NO. 6 | Page 15

Lighthouse Trails Research Journal 15
Separations — continued from previous page nations and deceiving the church is “ Oneness ”— God “ in ” everyone and everything .
TALKS LIKE NEW AGE The parallels between what the New Age is saying about Oneness and separation and what Kruger and Young are saying should be deeply disturbing to anyone who loves the truth . And while Young and Kruger would probably deny that man is God and that what they are teaching is New Age , it is a simple matter of semantics . A rose by any other name is still a rose . And a “ God ” who “ dwells in , around , and through all things ” 29 and is not separate from creation is still a false unbiblical New Age “ God .”
THE SELECTION PROCESS The upshot of all this upside down , twisted teaching is that people may one day live or die based on what they believe regarding this cleverly contrived battle between “ Oneness ” and “ Separation .” Or as Kruger puts it —“ the battle ” between “ union or separation .” And that is because the false New Age “ Christ ” promises severe repercussions for those who insist on being “ separate ”— those who refuse to believe that God is “ in ” everyone and everything . This could fulfill the severe end-times persecution of the church described in the Bible but almost never talked about by false teachers like Young and Kruger .
The New Age “ Christ ,” while professing his love for all mankind , nevertheless warns there will be no place in the future for those who see themselves as “ separate .” Consequently , this New Age Antichrist figure describes the necessity of a “ selection process ” that will select out and eliminate the resistant individuals who choose to remain “ separate ” as they oppose the New Age “ Oneness ” that falsely purports to heal and save the world . Through his chosen spokespersons , the New Age “ Christ ” has threatened those who choose biblical separation over New Age “ Oneness ”:
[ T ] he fundamental regression is self-centeredness , or the illusion that you are separate from God . I “ make war ” on self-centeredness . 30
At the co-creative stage of evolution , one self-centered soul is like a lethal cancer cell in a body : deadly to itself and to the whole . 31
The surgeon dare leave no cancer in the body when he closes up the wound after a delicate operation . We dare leave no self-centeredness on Earth after the selection process . 32
I shall drive from this Earth forever the curse of hatred , the sin of separation . 33
The crime of separation , of division , of lawlessness must go from the world . All that hinders the manifestation of man ’ s divinity must be driven from our planet . My Law will take the place of separation . 34
“ BE YE SEPARATE ” Thus , separation is a pernicious label that takes the biblical admonition to “ Be ye separate ” and turns it back on those who dare to separate themselves from the world and false New Age teachings like “ Oneness .” Bible-believing Christians are to separate themselves from men like Wm . Paul Young and C . Baxter Kruger who indiscriminately mix truth with error and present false teachings to the church . Those who think they can eat some meat from The Shack and spit out the bones are sorely deceived . They may very well choke on the bones they failed to detect — leavened bones like the God who “ dwells in , around , and through all things .” Leavened bones like the falsely alleged “ lie of separation .” The apostle Paul makes the Bible ’ s position on the danger of unbiblical leaven very clear :
Ye did run well ; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth ? This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you . A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump . ( Galatians 5:7-9 )
Paul of the Bible warned about the Paul of The Shack when he provided the true scriptural take on separation — that we are to separate ourselves from men like Young and Kruger who give us some of the truth but not all of the truth ; who please men with their cunningly devised fables ( 2 Peter 1:16 ) by putting their words and doctrines in the mouths of their fictional characters ; who preach “ another Jesus ” and “ another gospel ”; who instead of positively teaching about the need for biblical separation , mimic New Age teachers who falsely teach that separation is “ a sin ,” “ an illusion ,” “ a crime ” and “ a lie .”
Wherefore come out from among them , and be ye separate , saith the Lord . ( 2 Corinthians 6:17 )
TBN SUPPORTS YOUNG The Trinity Broadcasting Network ( TBN ) continues to offer Wm . Paul Young a massive platform for his Shack book , Shack movie , and his 2017 book Lies We Believe About God where he openly affirms his belief in universal salvation 35 and the New Age teaching that Christ is “ in ” everyone . 36 Contrary to what most Christians believe , the New Age did not disappear but is now charging full steam ahead into the church through books like The Shack and into people ’ s living rooms through television programs like Restoring the Shack . In the meantime , the true Christ of the Bible warns us all to “ be not deceived ” by “ false Christs ” and “ false prophets ” with their signs and wonders that come in the form of best-selling books , Hollywood movies , and so-called Christian television . Christians need to understand that a false Christ Antichrist figure is preparing the world for strong delusion .
Volume 5 — No . 6 November / December 2017
Concludes on next page