Lighthouse Trails Research Journal VOL. 5 | NO. 6 | Page 23

Lighthouse Trails Research Journal 23 CURRENT NEWS CLIPS—AFFECTING THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD EDITOR’S NOTE: The following news clips are from various news sources. They are posted for informational and research purposes and not necessarily as an endorsement of the content or source. “RICK WARREN, CALIF. BISHOP HAIL UNITY AS MODEL FOR EVAN- GELICALS AND CATHOLICS TO FOLLOW” BY STOYAN ZAIMOV | THE CHRISTIAN POST Megachurch pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church and Cali- fornia Roman Catholic Bishop Kevin Vann recently opened up about their years-long friendship and cooperation as a model for evangelicals and Catholics around the world to follow. . . . Vann explained that his friendship with Warren began five years ago when they met at his installation. . . . “I discovered the blessing of sharing the concerns of ministry with Rick, talking about our homilies and what we were both studying, and praying together. . . . Also, Rick’s staff at Saddleback and our staff at the Diocese began to get to know each other through various meetings, sharing not only our common love for the Lord, but also our love for the Church, fellowship, and praying together.” . . . A Pew Research Center survey, released last month during the 500th anniversary year of the Reformation, showed that Catholics and Protestants today are not as divided on theological issues as they were centuries ago. (source: https://www. model-for-evangelicals-and-catholics-to-follow-199328/) 2-second still shot from YouTube video of Bishop Vann and Rick Warren – September 2017; used in accordance with the US Fair Use Act. “NEW MEXICO ‘CHURCH’ BECOMES FIRST IN MENNONITE CHURCH USA TO APPOINT OPENLY LESBIAN ‘LEAD PASTOR’” BY HEATHER CLARK | CHRISTIAN NEWS NETWORK A “church” in New Mexico has become the first in the Mennonite Church USA to appoint an open lesbian as “lead pastor.” Albuquer- que Mennonite Church, which affirmed homosexual relationships a decade ago, made the announcement on Monday that it had chosen Erica Lea as its new leader. (source: http://christiannews. net/2017/09/20/new-mexico-church-becomes-first-in-mennonite- church-usa-to-appoint-openly-lesbian-lead-pastor/) Volume 5—No. 6 “UK’S BIGGEST CHRISTIAN FESTIVAL TO SHOWCASE ISLAM” BY CATHERINE PEPINSTER | RELIGION NEWS SERVICE Greenbelt, the biggest Christian festival in the United Kingdom, will feature Muslim worship for the first time this year. The de- cision by organizers of the annual festival—which began more than 40 years ago as a gathering that drew about 1,500 young people—has stirred some controversy, according to organizers. Now Greenbelt draws a much larger crowd of about 20,000 over the August Bank Holiday weekend, Aug. 25-28, and offers not only music but also theological discussion and opportunities to work on social justice issues. While it sprung from evangelical Christians, in recent years Greenbelt  has expanded to include a much wider range of participants, including an occasional Muslim speaker. (source: festival-in-the-uk-decides-to-showcase-some-islam-too/) “WHY MILLENNIALS ARE DITCHING RELIGION FOR WITCHCRAFT AND ASTROLOGY” BY KARI PAUL | MARKETWATCH When Coco Layne, a Brooklyn-based producer, meets someone new these days, the first question that comes up in conversation isn’t “Where do you live?” or “What do you do?” but “What’s your sign?” “So many millennials read their horoscopes every day and believe them,” Layne, who is involved in a number of nonreligious spiritual practices, said. “It is a good reference point to identify and place people in the world.” Interest in spirituality has been booming in recent years while interest in religion plummets, espe- cially among millennials. The majority of Americans now believe it is not necessary to believe in God to have good morals . . . Th