LIFT Annual Report 2015: Creating A Better Way | Page 26

________ “LIFT has changed the arc of my future. It’s given me the confidence to be vocal on the issues I care about.” _________ A Life Shaped by Service. LIFT’s team members come from all walks of life. They represent a variety of life stages, from college students to seasoned professionals. By weaving together this rich tapestry of experiences in service of a common goal – helping families lift themselves out of poverty for good – we are able to achieve big things. To offer you a behindthe-scenes look at the stories that shape LIFT’s identity we sat down with one of our superstars, Eleni Refu, who recently transitioned from the role of AmeriCorps Shriver Fellow to staff member, and asked her to tell us more about her LIFT journey. 26 Finding refuge + support in the U.S. Eleni was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and came to the U.S. as a refugee when she was just a child. Moving from Ethiopia to Idaho might have come as quite the culture shock to some, but Eleni flourished in the welcoming environment of her new home. She found peace among the sizeable population of refugees living in her community. After graduating with a degree in Political Science from the University of Rochester, Eleni was determined to use her education to set herself on a career path that made a difference on an issue that many refugees face today: poverty.