LIFT Annual Report 2014: What Matters Most | Page 30

30 IN THE MEDIA A S SEEN ON M SNBC MORNING JOE . . . “An impor t ant par t of our work at LIF T is lis tening to our own families and allowing them to tell us whether our programs are ef fec tive.” — Kir s ten Lodal A S RE A D ON NBC NE W S . . . “ You tr y to get to a payphone, you can’t even use it , it ’s not working. Or you put the quar ter s in, and nex t thing you know, if you don’t have enough, the quar ter s are gone.” — Ethel Brown, LIF T-New York Member on why having cellphone acces s is es sential in her job search. LIF T IN THE MEDIA A S RE A D ON THE HUFFING TON P OS T . . . “ We mus t not think of people who are poor a s dif ferent or separate; we mus t recognize the commonalit y of what we all need in moment s when we feel on the brink .” — Kir s ten Lodal Browse the archives of LIFT in the news at