LIFT Annual Report 2013: Building Strong Foundations | Page 8

Building LIFT’s Foundation: Year One In July 2012, LIFT launched a five-year strategic growth plan. Our plan aims to evolve and strengthen the way we are delivering our program, measuring our impact, and affecting communities across the nation. In Year One, we made incredible strides in the areas of program, evaluation, influence, and talent. Check out what a difference a year can make! EXPANDED PROGRAM SERVICE FOUR PRIORITIES Evolve program model to achieve transformational results for more members. Leverage our results and stories to impact perception, policy, and practice. Demonstrate the impact of the LIFT approach. Strengthen and grow the organization. A New Message... You may have noticed that we are talking about ourselves a bit differently than we have in the past. In 2013, we did some important work on our messaging to clarify how we describe our work, align it with our organizational culture, and better communicate our vision. LIFT Members: The community members we serve are no longer referred to as clients: they are members. This is because our volunteer advocates do not merely serve them. Our members are equal partners in this work, and in fact, they lead the charge by setting their goals and doing the hard work to achieve them. We asked our members what they think of this evolution and they love it! INNOVATED EVALUATION LAUNCHED PUBLIC INFLUENCE STRATEGY GREW OUR TEAM 5