Lifeventure-2022-Web | Page 38

Expedition Equipment Pty Ltd Unit 33 , 28 Barcoo St , Roseville , NSW , 2069 , Australia T : + 61 2 9417 5755 E : sales @ expeditionequipment . com . au W : www . expeditionequipment . com . au
MWHV - Michael Wolf Handelsvertretung Steingrüble 27 72336 Balingen , Germany T : + 49 ( 0 ) 172 937 6338 E : info @ mwhv . de W : www . mwhv . de
UAB Lukla Antakalnio g . 42-38 Vilnius , LT-10304 T : + 370 610 32831 E : info @ lukla . lt W : www . lukla . lt
Outdoor Venture Pte Ltd 17 Kaki Bukit Crescent # 04-00 Kaki Bukit TechPark 1 Singapore 416248 T : + 65 6846 1227 W : www . outdoor-venture . com
Artisport NV - SA Melkerijweg 11 B - 2240 Zandhoven , Belgium T : + 32 3 464 14 20 E : info @ artisport . be W : www . artisport . be
POLO SA 62 Zisimopoulou Str . P . Faliro Athens , Greece , 175 64 T : 0030 210 94 28 200 E : info @ polo . gr W : www . polo . gr
Yellowstone Sdn Bhd No . 16 ( Ground Floor ), Jalan Telawi , 59100 Bangsar Baru , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia T : + 6012-4595012 E : hocksoonng @ yahoo . com
TotalOutdoor s . r . o . Fabiánova 1275 / 6 15000 Praha 5 , Czech Republic T : + 420773491880 E : info @ totaloutdoor . cz W : www . totaloutdoor . cz
Raven S . J . Zablocie 23 / 10 30-701 Krakow , Poland T : + 48 12 628 5195 E : adam @ ravenco . eu W : www . ravenco . eu
Hong Kong
RC Outfitters 9C Dragon Industrial Building 93 King Lam Street Cheung Sha Wan , Kowloon T : + 852 2390 0762 E : admin @ alink . com . hk
The Netherlands
The Plus Company Sophialaan 23B 7311PB Apeldoorn The Netherlands E : Info @ thepluscompany . eu
Kibuba d . o . o . Selo 11c 1217 Vodice , Slovenia T : + 386 40166484 E : info @ kibuba . com W : www . kibuba . eu
Diseño Tatoo Ltda . Jorge Hirmas 2560 , Bodega B05-B06 Renca RM 8641149 Chile T : +( 56 2 ) 2567 8085 E : tatoochile @ tatoo . ws
Raven S . J . Zablocie 23 / 10 30-701 Krakow , Poland T : + 48 12 628 5195 E : adam @ ravenco . eu W : www . ravenco . eu
New Zealand
FurtherFaster 57a Buchan Street Sydenham Christchurch , New Zealand T : + 64 0275305302 E : martin @ furtherfaster . co . nz W : www . furtherfaster . co . nz
South Africa
Traverse Outdoor Gear PTY LTD Unit 7 Old Mill Park , 22 Old Mill Way , Ndabeni , 7405 Cape Town T : + 27 21 532 0543 E : info @ traversegear . co . za W : www . traversegear . co . za
Czech Republic
TotalOutdoor s . r . o . Fabiánova 1275 / 6 15000 Praha 5 , Czech Republic T : + 420773491880 E : info @ totaloutdoor . cz W : www . totaloutdoor . cz
Stodtaeki ehf . Dugguvogur 2 104 Reykjavík Iceland T : + 354 510 9515 E : sala @ explorer . is
Ultimate Nordic AS Tevlingveien 23 1081 Oslo , Norway T : + 47 22575050 E : Kundeservice @ ultimatenordic . no W : www . ultimatenordic . no
Esportiva Aksa S . L . c / Ramon Albò 60 , baixos 08027 Barcelona , Spain T : + 34 933 519 861 E : aksa @ esportivaaksa . com W : www . esportivaaksa . com
STM Sport A / S Industrivej 19 8260 Viby J , Denmark T : + 45 86141400 E : info @ stm-sport . dk W : www . stm-sport . dk
I . GO Distribution Via Innsbruck , 24 38121 Trento , Italy T : + 39 0461 233200 E : staff @ igodistribution . it W : www . igodistribution . it
Diseños Tatoo Perú S . R . L . Calle Las Margaritas 151 15046 , Lince Perú T : +( 51 ) 1 221 0515 E : peru @ tatoo . ws
Ultimate Nordic AS Industrivägen 1 171 48 Solna , Sweden T : + 46 ( 0 ) 8 410 515 80 E : info @ ultimatenordic . se W : www . ultimatenordic . se
Tagear S . A . De Las Retamas E1-136 y Av . Galo Plaza Lasso Quito , 170503 , Ecuador T : +( 593 ) 2240-5888 E : info @ tatoo . ws
Kenkosya 1-3-11 , Toyosaki Osaka , 531-0072 Japan , T : 81-6-6374-2788 E : kenkosya @ sweet . ocn . ne . jp W : www . kenkosya . com
Raven S . J . Zablocie 23 / 10 30-701 Krakow , Poland T : + 48 12 628 5195 E : adam @ ravenco . eu W : www . ravenco . eu
Outdoor Active International Co ., Ltd . 2F-1 No . 168 , Xinhu 3rd RD Neihu District , Taipei City , Taiwan ( R . O . C ) T : + 886 2 2793 8616 E : johnling @ outdoor-active . com . tw W : www . outdoor-active . com . tw
Sports Alpins Distribution 1051 Avenue André Lasquin 74700 SALLANCHES , France T : + 33 ( 0 ) 4 50 58 45 82 E : contact @ sad-chamonix . fr W : www . sports-alpins-chamonix . fr
UAB Lukla Antakalnio g . 42-38 Vilnius , LT-10304 T : + 370 610 32831 E : info @ lukla . lt W : www . lukla . lt
Raven S . J . Zablocie 23 / 10 30-701 Krakow , Poland T : + 48 12 628 5195 E : adam @ ravenco . eu W : www . ravenco . eu
Adrenalin 57 Bazarnaya str . Odessa Ukraine T : + 380637652940 E : adrenalin . odessa @ gmail . com
lifeventure . com LifeventureUK LifeventureUK LifeventureUK LifeventureUK
LIFEMARQUE LIMITED , CALLEVA PARK , ALDERMASTON , BERKS , RG7 8EN , UNITED KINGDOM t : 00 44 ( 0 ) 118 981 1433 e : mail @ lifeventure . com w : www . lifeventure . com