Lifelong Kindergarten | Page 7

Maria Montessori

Hallmarks of Montessori include:

Mixed Age Groupings: Children of mixed ages work together in classrooms. Younger students observe older ones, which helps to prepare them for upcoming and more challenging materials. Older students serve as mentors and guides for those who are younger.

Big Picture Focus: The Montessori approach operates on the belief that children learn best when they possess background knowledge about a subject. The Montessori curriculum is often referred to as "cosmic", meaning that learning builds upon prior exposure, building deep understanding.

Focus on Sensitive, or Critical Periods: Dr. Montessori believed that there are certain times when children could best obtain certain skills. Instruction is matched to a child's sensitive windown for acquiring the skill.

Prepared Environment: The physical environment of a Montessori classroom is designed with children in mind. All furtiture is appropriately sized, and materials are place to be accessible by the children in the room. The environment is prepared with developmentally appropriate materials designed to stimulate learning. Self correcting materials are available so that students may work on them independently.

Focus on Peace: Respect for all life forms is stressed along with focus on inner-peace, peaceful interactions, social justice, and community service.