LifeGrid Magazine October 2017 | Page 35

Victoria Yuen – Breathe and Be Mindful Written by Leah Rando At the age of ten months old, Victoria developed intestinal complica- tions, being diagnosed with ‘intussusception’ (in-tuh-suh-sep-shun). This overlapping of the intestinal wall, causing a major obstruction, was difficult enough to face, let alone obtaining urgent medical care in her remote home on the island of Rarotonga, New Zealand. Because of the urgency, a surgeon was flown in from New Zealand to remove the intestinal knot. The immense distress for a young child resulted in the surgery not holding, so the decision was made to fly her to New Zealand for the life saving procedure. This experience resulted in a life of regular hospitalisation, crippling pain and heavy pain medication, so she decided to launch her own path of discovery to combat her condition. Discovering that stress was inducing her pain, Victoria’s research in this area resulted in recognising that meditation was one of the most effective methods in stress reduction. She is now nine years pain free due to using her research skills as a trained teacher in combination with her 500 hours of yoga/meditation and mindfulness training. During this process, great empathy developed for other sufferers of disease and illness, resulting in further personal development and educational programs, including twelve months training in yoga therapy for breast cancer and a free health and wellbeing program (Encore), for post-surgery breast cancer patients in the local region. Focusing strongly on stress management, Victoria teaches meditation in a variety of modes, including online, private and group settings. She is also the author of three books on this topic and the designer of a range of card decks with yoga poses. Her latest tool is her personally designed card pack consisting of 18 different Mantras, encouraging people to start the day with quiet reflection time. “We live in such a frantic world and stress is one of the main contribu- tors to illness, physically and mentally. With my work with cancer patients and people with neurological disorders, I have seen the positive effects of mindfulness and meditation, and I wanted to create a set of cards that can be used as reminders when doing a meditation.” “The cards are designed to look beautiful, and help people remember that saying that they can focus on, so the mind can be tamed, and stop wandering to negative, unsupportive thoughts.” The documented evidence on the benefits of meditation improving memory, stabilising emotions, improving concentration, increasing happiness and supporting a healthy lifestyle is readily available. Victoria remains focused on her methods being scientifically based and easy for everyone to learn. With over 400 downloads of her medita- tion, Victoria remains passionate about helping people around the world relax, as well as sole parenting two children and managing her online shop promoting healthy products. Victoria invites you to connect at any of the following. [email protected]