1. Publisher
LifeGrid Magazine
2. Editor
John and Jodi Powell
3. Vision
LIFEGRID magazine has people living in cities
across the World that work with us to advertise
their local communities globally. Our local
editors earn income with each sale they gener-
ate. We create the local magazine for their city
and then share it on our global network. Its a
business partnership built on growing their
local business and community.
4. Advertising
(+61) 467 175 104
Deadline for Advertising Submission
New Ads: 5th of the month of publication.
Artwork: 5th of the month of publication.
5. Distribution
LIFEGRID distributes monthly free through
subscription. In addition the digital magazine is
promoted through paid social media advertis-
ing channels. We use Instagram, Facebook and
Google to maximise our exposure.
Each issue is also available online at
6. Submissions
LIFEGRID is always happy to receive fantastic
articles from Advertisers wanting to talk about
why they love their business. Why not get in
touch with us to share your pa ssion at
Market Street, Fremantle WA 6160
All material in LIFEGRID magazine is copyright.
No reproduction in part or full is allowed with-
out prior written permission of the publisher.